Sunday Afternoon at Garvey’s Sunshine Shack, Rendezvous Bay, Anguilla
We flew into Anguilla on a Saturday afternoon, so Sunday was our first full day on the island. We hit the beach early, and were just starting to think about lunch when we heard the music start up at the Sunshine Shack, just down the beach from our resort, Aurora Anguilla. We grabbed our things […]

Aurora Anguilla, Rendezvous Bay, Anguilla
This was our 7th trip to Anguilla, and our third stay at what was known as the CuisinArt Resort, now Aurora Anguilla. For more on our stay at Aurora Anguilla, see the full post on our Caribbean travel site, My Irie Time, with loads more pictures and details. Here are a few of the film […]

San Juan National Historic Site, Puerto Rico
The United States National Parks System has over 400 parks, including places of great natural beauty and historic significance. Included in our magnificent parks system is the San Juan National Historic Site. The site includes what remains of the walls which surrounded the City of San Juan, and one of the original gates, La Puerta de […]

Located at the southern end of the Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean island chain, the country of Grenada is actually three islands, Grenada, Carriacou, and Petit Martinique. Over Thanksgiving, our family visited the island of Grenada, known as “The Spice Island” for the abundance of spices which are grown on the island. The island of […]

Anguilla 2020
2020 began with our sixth trip to our favorite Caribbean island, Anguilla. Although I spent the majority of the time relaxing at the beach or pool, I managed to find some time to shoot my Mamiya 6 with the Mamiya 50mm f/4 lens, and the Canon 1v with a variety of lenses. I was able […]

Anguilla After Irma
We were excited to return to Anguilla in January, our first visit since Hurricane Irma struck in September of 2017. Irma was a Category 5 hurricane, bringing wind speeds of 185 mph, with gusts up to 218 mph. The storm damaged 90 percent of the government buildings, including the hospital, schools, airport, and ferry terminal. […]

#FilmRoadTrip – Nevis
Since returning to film photography a few years ago, I make a point of taking at least one film camera on each trip. Part of the reason is that I love the look of film. I also love playing with my old cameras and trying different techniques. Traveling to Nevis, I packed two film cameras, […]

#FilmRoadTrip – Sunshine’s, Nevis
Our first stop on our 2011 trip to Nevis was Sunshine’s, a Nevis institution and home to the famous “Killer Bee.” This trip would be no different, except this time I would avoid the sting that follows consuming three of those delicious rum concoctions. After a long day of traveling, beginning at 2:00 a.m. Nevis […]

#FilmRoadTrip – Andros, Bahamas
“I’ve never been to a place where the palm fronds clack together,” my husband said while sitting back in his beach chair facing the calm of Kamalame Cay. Coconut palms surrounded our chairs on what seemed to be our own personal beach. “You have,” I replied. “You have just never heard them before.” We have […]

#FilmRoad Trip – Antigua & Barbuda
Last November, on our first trip with film in eight years (#filmroadtrip: Road Test – Anguilla), we learned a lot of lessons. One of my missions on this trip was to correct at least some of the mistakes I made. So on this #FilmRoadTrip: Road Test – Barbuda & Antigua, I tweaked a few things, […]

#FilmRoadTrip – Anguilla
We took the film on the road and the results are back. We took the film cameras to Anguilla, the Canon 1V and the Mamiya Pro TL. We took a variety of film stocks, Fuji 400H, Kodak Portra 400, Porta 160, and Ektar 100. We experimented and burned a lot of film. Many lessons were […]

Nevis, St. Kitts & Nevis
Nevis is a 36 square-mile island, the center of which is Nevis Peak, which rises 3,232 feet. Nevis was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1493, and was named “Nuestra Senora de Las Nieves,” “Our Lady of the Snows,” a description of the small cloud, resembling snow, which is nearly always present at its peak.

Kamalame Cay, Andros, Bahamas
Although it is the largest of the islands in the Bahamas, Andros is not very well known. But it should be. The island holds many natural treasures and offers the perfect escape to those who look to relax on the beach, enjoy a bit of fishing, or explore the ocean. Andros is home to the […]

Antigua and Barbuda
Part of the twin island nation of Antigua and Barbuda, Barbuda is the less-developed of the two. What it lacks in development, it makes up for in natural beauty. Barbuda is a conservationist’s heaven, home to the Frigate Bird Sanctuary, miles of unspoiled beach, and loads of sea life. We also visited a private island […]