From my last post, you could see that I wasn’t thrilled with how my photos shot on Fuji Pro 400H looked. I loved that film, but now that it is discontinued, I’m using up the last bit of my stock. I am completely out of 35mm at this point, but I do have some boxes of 120. The test on those will come soon.I don’t freeze my film, but I do store it in a cool environment, so those who freeze may have better luck.
Although I wasn’t happy with the Santa Barbara shots, the true difference was seen when I was shooting the Goleta Lemon Festival in Goleta, California, the next day. Half way through the pie eating contest, I completed a roll of 400H and popped in a roll of Kodak Ektar. These images were taken within the few seconds it took for me to change film:

You can see the difference clearly. A plus is that Ektar is still in production so you can get fresh film!
More expired Fuji Pro 400H:

More Kodak Ektar 100:

You can see from my previous work with Fuji 400H, it loved the sun and had gorgeous greens and blues. I really miss that film, but it’s time to move on.