In August, we spent a week in London, England. It was our first trip, and we quickly discovered how much there is to see, and how little time there is in a week. We visited the State Rooms and the Royal Mews at Buckingham Palace, the Victoria & Albert Museum, the British Museum, the Harry Potter / Warner Bros. Studio, and had time to walk the streets of London, enjoying its many shops, pubs, and restaurants. Join us, taking in the sights of London.

Along for the trip were my Canon 1v with the Canon 24mm f/1.4 II, Canon 50mm f/1.2, and Canon 135mm f/2. The 24mm lens was rented from Borrow Lenses, which I love when I’m taking a trip and anticipate needing something different than what I own. I have a Zeiss 21mm f/2.8, but it’s manual focus and I anticipated needing to fire off shots quickly as my family walks fast. I have the Canon 24-70mm f/2.8, but it’s getting to be too heavy as a walk-around lens. I really loved the Canon 24mm f/1.4 II, but I am still not willing to invest in one of my own. I also brought the Mamiya 6 with Mamiya 50mm f/4, although I used it infrequently given the need to manually focus. Processing and scanning by Richard Photo Lab.
Flip through our London zine!