The day job took me to southern California in February. On my way to my conference, I stopped at Zuma Beach, located in Malibu. Sadly, all the lifeguard shacks were on shore, so I couldn’t get the classic shot I took when I visited Santa Monica a few years back, but the beach was quite beautiful. Few people could be found, and I suspect the only people enjoying the beach that day were those of us from the colder parts north.

Our conference was adjourned from the previous November due to the fires which swept through the area. Although there was obvious damage visible when driving through the hills to the beach, it was nice to see the green returning.

Shot on Canon EOS 1v with the Canon 50mm f/1.2 on Kodak Ektachrome E100 and Kodak Portra 800, and on the Mamiya 6, Mamiya 50mm f/4, on Kodak Portra 400. All images processed and scanned by the best film lab ever, Richard Photo Lab.

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